Series: Living Life in Reverse
Scripture Text: Luke 9:23-26

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Living Life in Reverse Part 8   Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file.



If I am dead to sin, What about when I sin?

Series: Living Life in Reverse
Scripture Text: Romans 7:1-25

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Living Life in Reverse Part 4   Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file.



Series: Living Life in Reverse

Do you believe that your old self is dead and buried with Christ through his death? Do you believe that you are dead to sin? Do believe that you are no longer enslaved to sin? Do you believe that the old has passed away and the new has come? Do you count yourself dead to sin but alive to Jesus? The New Testament clearly calls you to believe all of these things.



Series: Living Life in Reverse
Scripture Text: 1 Kings 19:1-13 and John 6:26-36

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Living Life in Reverse Part 2 Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file.



The Starting Point. Or ending Point...

Series: Living Life in Reverse
Scripture Text: Genesis 29:16-35

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Living Life in Reverse Part 1   Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file.


Revelation Part 49 - The End!

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 22;

Remember the first readers of this book? They wondered if Jesus had forgotten his promise to return. They wondered if God had forgotten about them. They wondered how God could possibly be involved in the crazy, brutal, senseless, evil world they lived in. Sometimes we want to know God’s plan. Revelation shows us that we may not understand God’s plan, even if he reveals it to us. But what we ca


Revelation Part 48. "Because I said so."

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 22:16-17

When we take these two declarations of Jesus together, they share a common theme: You can count on Jesus. You can rely on his word. Come to Him, be satisfied in Him, by reading his word. At the same time, understand this: all satisfaction in this life is only a foretaste of what is coming. So we, the Bride of Christ, say with the Spirit to world: Come and drink now, feed yourself on the Word of Go


Revelation Part 47. Parentheses: Sex, Marriage and Civilization

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 22:12-15

Even here at the end of Revelation, Jesus mentions the problem of sexual immorality. The Bible’s teaching on sex is much greater and deeper than simply “don’t do it.” In fact, the Bible tells married couples that they should “do it.” Let’s investigate the importance of Biblical sexuality together. Many people have failed in this area, but Jesus offers forgiveness and holiness to ever


Revelation Part 46: Faith Worthy and Reality Defining

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 22:6-11

The words of Revelation are true, and worthy of our faith. The words of the whole Bible describe reality, and are worthy of our faith. Jesus Christ is the ultimate Word of God, and he created reality. He is more than worthy for us to put our faith in him. Among other things, that means that we believe what the Bible says, and act accordingly.


Revelation Part 45. Rev. 22:1-5

The Tree of Life

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 22:1-5

Virtually all human beings have a deep desire to live in a world that is perfect. All of us have to reckon with that desire, one way or another. But here is the problem: If there was a perfect world, we ourselves could not live there without destroying the perfection of that world. If we entered a perfect world, we ourselves would bring our selfishness, our pettiness, our impure desires and thoug


REVELATION #44: THE CITY OF GOD. Revelation 21:9-27

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 21:9-27

The New Jerusalem is not a literal city. The description of it in Revelation 21 is a metaphor to help us envision God’s relationship with His people as a whole; his people’s relationships with each other; and also God’s relationship with each individual. Seen that way, we learn wonderful things about God, each other and us as individuals.



Scripture Text: JOHN 11:1-42

What if our deepest desires – and our deepest disappointments – are really signs that we were made for something more? Jesus, by letting Lazarus die, was trying to get the attention of his loved ones. He wanted to reconnect them with their deep, unfulfilled desires, so that he could show them that He himself can and does fill them. He wanted to show them both, the depth of their desire for a w


Revelation Part 43. God Himself

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 21:1-8 (part B)

If you have the treasure, you don’t need anything else, because the treasure will provide you with everything. And that is the promise of Revelation 21:3 – that we will have the Ultimate Treasure – God Himself. Anyone is welcome to receive this treasure, by walking through the Door – Jesus Christ.



Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation #42

We are promised a new world that contains the beauty, but not the fragility. It contains the excitement and wonder, but not the mortal danger. In our perfect bodies, exploring the wilderness will be a joy. In Earth 2.0, humans will not corrupt or threaten the environment. The New Creation will hold the people of God, but not their garbage, because garbage will no longer exist. These promises, and


Revelation #41 Heavenly Rewards

Heavenly Rewards

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 20:11-15 Part B

The entire New Testament teaches us to invest in heaven, to put our hopes and desires there; our treasure. The Lord sees the things you do that no one else sees. He knows the  battles you have fought alone; the things you have done for which others got the credit. And his grace is such that he not only gives us a salvation that we could not earn, he rewards us for treasuring him.


Revelation #40: The Book of Life

The Book of Life

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 20:11-15

Real Christians are both more pessimistic, and at the same time, more hopeful than other religions. Jesus sets a standard that is not only based on performance, but also on the heart, and on that score, every human being falls short. And so, he offers the alternative: Repent of your sins, repent of your pride that says you are good enough to deserve heaven. Instead, let Him live the perfect life o


Fisherman's Delight - Luke 5:1-11

Jesus blessed the fishermen, not to endorse their fishing business, but rather, to lead them to repentance through His goodness. His blessing was not sign that they were doing something right, but rather, a sign that they should pay attention to Jesus, and where He wanted to lead them.


Revelation #39. One Foot in Heaven

One Foot in Heaven

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 20:1-11

We puny, stupid creatures are standing with one foot in heaven, and that gives us authority over all the power of the devil, plus a whole lot more, besides. We are called to focus on the spiritual reality that has already begun. Though we may look marginalized and defeated, we are, in fact, gloriously victorious. The one who is responsible for so much of our pain and misery has already been defeat


Revelation #38. The Dangers of Superficial Grace

The Dangers of Superficial Grace

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 19:11-21

It is our job to warn those who reject Jesus, but not to condemn them. On the other hand, when we tell people there is no judgment for sin, we are treating their brokenness superficially. We are misleading people that God loves, people whom he wants to repent, and that makes him angry. In Jesus alone is the perfect balance of grace and judgment.


Unwrapping Christmas

Scripture Text: Isaiah 9:6

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Christmas 2018   Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file.


Revelation #37: The Divine Marriage

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 19:1-9

Every human being longs for true, deep, honest intimacy. We want to be able to be fully ourselves, and totally known by Another Person. We long to be able to be completely “naked” – not pretending or hiding; body, soul and spirit, and in that state, be fully loved and accepted with no blemish or shadow to mar that experience. This is exactly what is being promised to us.


Revelation #36: Coming out of Babylon

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 18

We Christians are called to live in this world, and love our fellow Christians, and also those outside the family of faith. But we are also called to be spiritually, morally and ethically different from the world around us. We are not supposed to be absorbed into the culture, but rather, we are to be "salt" and "light" for culture around us. That means we must be radically different from it. It me


Revelation #35: The Culture Clash. Revelation 17:1-18

Revelation 17:1-18

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 17:1-18

We have now come to the point when Western Culture is, in fact, incompatible with Biblical Christianity. By using the image of the prostitute, John tells us that there is a certain kind of attraction toward ungodly culture. We are prone to be drawn into it. To remain Christian, and to pass on the Christian faith to future generations, we are going to have to live lives that are radically differen


3 - Overlooked Letters - Love

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Overlooked Letters Part 3 Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file


4 - Overlooked Letters - Love & Lies

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Overlooked Letters Part 4 Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file


5 - Overlooked Letters - Third John

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Overlooked Letters Part 5 Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file.


Revelation #34. The Dangerous, Good God. 16:1-21

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 16:1-21

The first readers of Revelation would have seen this judgment as a good thing, precisely because it is a God thing. I’m reminded of a concept from the beloved books, The Chronicles of Narnia. The children discover that the King of the World is a lion. They are shocked. “But is he safe?” they ask. “Of course he isn’t safe,” reply the citizens of Narnia. “He’s the King. But he is go


Revelation #33. Feast Your Soul on God.

Revelation 15:1-8

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 15:1-8

At some time in the future, our eternal joy will be found in feasting our souls on God. Therefore, now in the present, it is important for us to learn how to enjoy God; to feast our souls on his presence. Ultimately, we are dependent upon Him to make it happen, but we can put ourselves in a position to make it easier. We can learn to delight in God as we delight in a delicious feast.


Revelation #32. The Two Harvests

Series: Revelation

The wilderness is beautiful and awe-inspiring. But if you cross it, it will kill you in a heartbeat. The wilderness doesn’t kill you because it is mean. It kills you if try to do something that is contrary to its nature, because its nature is unyielding. It is what it is. In the same way, God isn’t mean or vindictive. But he is Absolute. His nature is the foundation of everything that exists.


Revelation #31. Revelation 14:6-13

Hell, and the Love of God

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 14:6-13

If God is infinitely good, infinitely glorious, then to sin against him is infinitely evil. And to say that a loving God would never send anyone to eternal punishment is to say that God himself is not eternally valuable. But even more than that, the Christian doctrine of hell shows us the extravagant extent of God’s love for us: Jesus suffered unimaginably in hell, for our sake.


Revelation #30. Revelation 14:1-5

The Reality of Spiritual Victory

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 14:1-5

This whole section of Revelation is about the underlying spiritual reality that is affecting the events of our physical lives. It is here to remind the first readers, and us, that the things that we experience every day are also part of an underlying spiritual reality that we cannot see, but is nonetheless very real. In that Spiritual Reality, we are already holy and blameless (Ephesians 1:6); alr



Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 13:11-18

Whatever we see as the Supreme Good, unless it is God, is an idol; even if it is our own well-being. Pressure to conform to the culture, enticement to idols, false teaching – all these are the work of the second beast. They aren’t neutral, they aren’t just about fitting in. They are part of the cosmic spiritual battle between the Dragon and those who hold to the testimony of Jesus. The stake


Revelation Part 28. Revelation 12:13-17

The Beast

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 12:13-17

To our suffering brothers and sisters today, and to future generations, this passage contains a powerful message. No matter how strong the Beast is, no matter how absolute his authority appears to be, his time is limited. We need to know that there may indeed be terrible consequences to being a Christian. But our names are written in the Lamb’s book of life. The long-term future that is coming f


Revelation Part 27. Revelation 12:13-17

The Battle for Our Minds

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 12:13-17

Whether we choose to believe it or not, we Christians are in the middle of a spiritual war. Often, following Jesus is hard, and the reason we find it so is because we have enemies in the spiritual realm. They will attack whether we believe in them or not. The primary weapon used against us is lies. Often we think these lies are our own thoughts. We need to be aware of this, and learn how to fight


Revelation Part 26. Revelation 12:7-12

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 12:7-12

Maybe you find yourself in a situation like that of the first Christians to read Revelation. You've tried to follow Jesus. You've been faithful, but sometimes it seems like it isn't working out. Life is still hard, and sometimes it costs you to be true to Jesus. You look around and see others who don't care about Jesus, and they seem to be doing great. It's easy to be discouraged. We need to remem


Revelation Part 25. Revelation 12:1-6

Manifesting Jesus

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 12:1-6

God’s people are in the business of bringing Jesus Christ into the world. Jesus came physically, through the people of Israel. Today, the church still has the task of helping Jesus to be manifested to the world. We do this primarily as Jesus told us, by making disciples. In this we may be opposed. We may become distracted by pleasure, or wealth, or power. But if we trust the Father of our hearts


Revelation Part 24. Revelation 11:15-19

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 11:15-19.

Up in the heavenly throne room no one is worried; on the contrary, they are praising God. In heaven, the war is already over, already won. God has already begun to reign, the nations have been judged, God’s prophets and saints have been rewarded. The victory that is still in the future for God’s people on earth is a present reality in heaven.


Revelation Part 23. Revelation 11:1-11

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 11:1-11

By ancient Jewish law, it required two witnesses to establish something in a court of law. When there are two witnesses, something is established as certainly true. God will not judge the world without first giving solemn witness to the truth of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. The world may reject that idea, but God will make every effort before he brings the final judgment.


Revelation Part 22. Revelation 10:1-11

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 10:1-11

It is a sweet thing for us to absorb the Word of God into our minds and hearts. It is good to tell others. However, the fact that some will reject God finally and forever is a bitter truth. Even so, the Lord will exhaust all possibilities before unleashing the full and final judgment that is coming. He wants to give the people on earth every possible opportunity to repent before it is too late.


Revelation Part 21. 8:1 - 9:21

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 8:1-9:21

Last time we saw the glorious hope we have in Jesus. We saw the joy and wonder of our future in heaven if we trust Jesus. This time, God is presenting the alternative. If we finally decide we want to continue to control our own lives, this horror will be the end result. And yet, in God’s mercy, he doesn’t yet send human beings to the abyss. He gives them a foretaste of the horror, in the hopes


Revelation, Part 20. 7:9-17

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 7:9-17

The writer of Hebrew says of Jesus that “for the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:2).” This passage today describes the joy set before us. Let us keep it in mind, keep it in focus, so that we too can endure whatever comes in this life, and finally enter the glorious and thrilling presence of God.


Revelation Part 19. 7:1-8

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 7:1-8

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Revelation Part 19   Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file.


Revelation Part 18 - Coming to terms with Judgment

Series: Revelation

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Revelation Part 18 Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file.


Revelation, Part 17. 6:1-17

Series: Revelation

You need not fear the terror of night, or the arrows of war, or the plagues. God is in control of history. He is using the sinful and horrible works of humankind to bring about his purposes. In the simplest possible terms, God is putting things right. Even the sorts of things that make us think God is not paying attention are, in fact, being used to prepare the world for the end of the old, broken


Revelation, Part 16. 6:1-2

Series: Revelation

The seals begin with a picture of the gospel going out and "conquering." Before the end, the gospel will be proclaimed to every tribe, language and nation. We Christians are destined to be a part of that.


Revelation, Part 15. 5:1-11

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 5:1-11

This life will never completely fulfill us or satisfy us, because it is not supposed to. The good news is that Jesus Christ is enacting God’s plan to bring history to its ultimate fulfilment, and to bring those who trust him – his people – into the New Heaven and New Earth, where we will be completely fulfilled, and completely joyful.


Revelation, Part 14. 4:1-11

Series: Revelation

Seven times, in the Book of Revelation, we are given the perspective of Heaven. It is beyond us, and difficult to understand the particulars, however, the overall idea is to give us hope and joy, and the certainty that God is in control.


Revelation, Part 13. 3:13-22

Series: Revelation

The point of repentance is not to get you to try harder. True Biblical repentance means you give up on yourself. You are saying, “I can’t do it, Lord. I don’t have what it takes. My only hope is your mercy.” You turn away from trying to fix things in your own strength, and throw yourself entirely on the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ. You are abandoning all hope apart from Jesus, includin


Revelation, Part 12. 3:7-13

Series: Revelation

This is a gracious word to the humble, faithful believer who feels small; perhaps even illegitimate or worthless. Jesus sees your faithfulness to his word. He sees your endurance. You are honored, legitimate and precious in His eyes. Nothing can prevent you from walking through the door He opens for you.


Revelation, Part 11. 3:1-7

Series: Revelation

Sardis was one of the two worst churches to which Revelation was written. Jesus literally has nothing good to say about them. What was their offense? Were they pursuing some particularly bad heresy? Were they pressured by the culture into some terrible compromise? No. In the eyes of Jesus, what made them so bad was that they simply didn't care very much. Even though they looked good on the outside


Revelation, Part 10. 2:18-29

Series: Revelation

Jesus has some very harsh words for those who claim to be Christians, yet do not repent. He is judgmental toward Christians who are tolerant of such people. But He offers strength to those who hold on to Him, and the promise of His own fully satisfying Eternal Presence as compensation for the things we lose in this life by following Him.


Revelation, Part 9. 2:12-17.

Series: Revelation

The church at Pergamum resisted persecution, but they began to fall to seduction. With overwhelming cultural pressure around them, they began to compromise. They sought satisfaction in physical things, and it cost them greatly in spiritual things. Jesus told them to repent. He said that he was willing to go to war with them over their compromise with the culture. But he promised to the repentant o


Revelation, Part 7. 2:1-7, Part B.

Series: Revelation

Nothing – absolutely nothing, should come before God in our lives. What is your first love, really? Jesus is clear here – it should be Him. If Jesus is your first love, He should have first claim on your time, energy and resources of all kinds. This message shows you how much we need to repent, and promises how much we gain when we do.


Revelation, Part 6. 2:1-7

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 2:1-7

In a culture that was hostile to Christianity, the Ephesian church was intolerant of those who called themselves Christians, and yet indulged in sin and called it OK. They were intolerant of would-be celebrity leaders who taught bad doctrine. Jesus praised them for this sort of intolerance.


Revelation, Part 5. 1:9-20

Series: Revelation

Following Jesus often involves some sort of trouble or hardship, in the middle of which we are called to remain faithful and obedient to the Father, even when we don’t understand. Jesus words to each of us today are: "Do not be afraid. I have the keys to death and hades. I have this. I have you. I am the first and the last - I have your trouble surrounded.


Revelation, Part 4. 1:5-8

Revelation 1:5-8

Series: Revelation
Scripture Text: Revelation 1:5-8

God has made it so that our identity is that we are truly loved children of God. He has changed our nature from true sinners into truly forgiven and made truly righteous. Our citizenship is in heaven, and our work is as priests of God in everyday life.


Matthew Part 61. Matthew 18;1-10

Series: Matthew

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Matthew Part 61 Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file.


MATTHEW PART 59 - Matthew 17:14-21

Matthew 17:14-21

Series: Matthew

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Matthew Part 59   Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file.


Matthew Part 60. Matthew 17;22-27

Series: Matthew
Scripture Text: Matthew 17;22-27

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Matthew Part 60 Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file.


Matthew #56. Matthew 16:20-27 Part B

Series: Matthew
Scripture Text: Matthew 16:20-27 Part B

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Matthew Part 56


MATTHEW #55 - Matthew 16:20-27

Series: Matthew
Scripture Text: Matthew 16:20-27

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Matthew Part 55   Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file.


Matthew Part 58. Matthew 17:1-13

Matthew 17:1-13

Series: Matthew
Scripture Text: Matthew 17:1-13

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Matthew Part 58 Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file.


MATTHEW #57 - Matthew 16;27-28

Series: Matthew
Scripture Text: Matthew 16:27-28

Here is the audio file for this sermon. To play, simply click on the link. To download it, right click on the link (or do whatever you do on a Mac) and save it to your computer: Download Matthew Part 57   Below is a link to the written version of the message, in a PDF file.


Resurrection Lutheran Supporting Mission to Peru

Wooster Ohio house church, Resurrection Lutheran, supported a team from One Hope Church this last summer (2016) and their mission to Peru.  With the low overhead of doing house church, Resurrection has been able to give away many thousands of dollars over the years in support of both local and global missions.  


Ephesians Wrap Up: Go and Claim It!

Series: Ephesians

Questions for the Ephesians Wrap Up: 1.       What do you think the response was from the Ephesian believers when they heard Paul’s letter read to them? 2.       Remember some of the characteristics of Ephesus in the 1st century: major port city, business center, religious pluralism (i.e., lots of different religions / beliefs to choose from), Greek philosophy, etc. In what ways is the place and time that you live in similar or dissimilar to ancient Ephesus? How does Paul’s letter to the Ephesians apply specifically to where ...


Ephesians - 6:10-18

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions What do you usually do when you have a really bad day? How do you cope? What are the "schemes of the devil"? What are some of his strategies? Discuss what you think the various parts of the armor are for. How do you put each on? Belt of Truth Breastplate of Righteousness Gospel Shoes of Peace Shield of Faith Helmet of Salvation Sword of the Spirit - the Word of God Prayer Which piece of the armor are you most in the need of right now? It wasn't discussed in the video, but verse 18 reveals how important prayer is in spiritual ...


Ephesians - 6:1-9

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions: As a son or daughter (child or adult), what does it mean for you to honor your father and mother?What does it mean to raise children “in the training and instruction of the Lord”? What are your biggest challenges / struggles as a parent? When and where are you under the authority of others? And the inverse: in a position of authority? How would your workplace be different if everyone took these words to heart?


Ephesians - 5:21-33

Love and Respect

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions: What does it mean to submit or be subject to someone? What does the fact that Jesus submitted to God the Father say about the person who is doing the submitting?  (i.e. Jesus is equal with God and yet he submitted to the Father) Husbands are called to love their wives like Christ loved the church.  How did Christ love the church?  What does this tell us about the role of the husband toward his wife? In your own words, how would you express the goal of Christian marriage? (see v. 31) What do you think about the statement made about men more needing respect and women ...


Ephesians - 4:25-32

Crouching Lion, Uplifting Sayings

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions:Paul says, “In your anger do not sin,” which seems to imply that anger is not always bad. What is “good anger”?Do you struggle with anger? How does it show itself in your life?When have someone’s words been especially uplifting to you?Imagine out loud what your workplace or home or school would be like if people only spoke so as to “benefit the listener”.Where have you seen examples of kindness and compassion in others? How does that inspire you?


Ephesians - 4:17-24

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions:Where have you seen real change in your life since becoming a Christian?  How is your "walk" different now?What is one "old life" piece of clothing that you have that you are having a hard time "putting off"?What is the difference between asking yourself the question "what would Jesus do?" and asking Jesus "what do you want to do in and through me?"  How is the focus different?  Paul says we're to "put on" the new self.  What is the new self?  What is Jesus saying to you right now?


Ephesians - 4:7-16

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions: What does this passage tell us about spiritual leadership? A major metaphor for the church is the human body. Why do you think that is? What kinds of spiritual gifts are there? What spiritual gifts do you have? What is one area where you have sensed yourself growing and maturing since you’ve been a part of this body (your Life Together Church)? What does your life look like as you grow “into the fullness of Christ”? What kind of outlook does that give you for your life?


Ephesians - 4:1-6

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions: Read the text again as a group – Eph 4:1-6 Reading between the lines, what problems do you think Paul was concerned about in Ephesus? What qualities ought to characterize “a life worthy of the calling”? What happens when believers live out these qualities?   How does each of the four qualities listed in verse 2 promote unity? Which of these four qualities do you need most in your life personally?  What relationships will profit from developing that quality now? How does viewing God as Father (not just as Creator or Judge) add to our unity? ...


Ephesians - 3:14-21

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions:What does it mean for Christ to dwell in our hearts? What does it mean for the Holy Spirit to strengthen us?What do you picture when you hear words like boundless, fullness, surpassing measure or immeasurable, and magnitude? What does that tell you about how much Jesus loves us? About how much He loves you?What does it mean to live for God’s glory? How does that play out in day-to-day life?God is described as “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (verse 20). How would the Ephesians have been struck by this? (For example, think about the Jewish / Gentile context and the one family ...


Ephesians - 3:1-13

Series: Ephesians

Exegetical Outline This mystery was revealed by God to Paul: in Christ the Gentiles are fully included in God’s family. (1-7) The grace given to Paul was to proclaim Christ to the Gentiles and shed light on this mystery. (8-13) Application Outline God wants to reveal Himself to us. God reveals Himself to us so we can respond to His direction for our life. The Big Idea: God wants to reveal Himself to us so we can respond to Him in relationship. Questions: 1. In your own words, what is “the mystery of Christ” that Paul is referring to? 2. Have you ever felt ...


Ephesians - 2:11-22

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions:1.       Imagine your life far away from Christ, “without hope and without God” (verse 12). Describe what your life might look like or feel like in that scenario. Considering the reality that you are actually near to God in Christ, what kind of response does that create in you – both vertically (toward God) and horizontally (toward people)?2.       Where have you seen or experienced “dividing walls of hostility” in the world and/or in your own life?3.       Are there people ...


Ephesians - 2:1-10

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions:What was one of the best gifts you received as a child?  What made it so special for you?What does it mean to be "dead in sin"?  What caused this?What is the relationship between "wrath" and "love" (vv. 3-4)What is the relationship between "grace" and "works" (vv. 8-10)Spiritually, do you feel more dead or alive now?  Why?What has God prepared for you to be and to do?


Ephesians - 1:19-23

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions:Read 1 Cor 12:4-31.  What impresses you most about this passage?  Paul lists a number of "spiritual gifts" that different Christians have (though his list is not exhaustive).  What spiritual gifts do you think you have?What gifts do you recognize in others in your group?How can your group function more as one body?  How should we be viewing one another?What is God saying to you right now?


Ephesians - 1:15-19

Series: Ephesians

Peter continues our series through the book of Ephesians. This week we look at one of Paul's prayers for us as Christians. He prays that we might know both the hope we have as Christians and the very real power made available to us.


Ephesians - 1:3-14

Series: Ephesians
Scripture Text: Eph 1:3-14

Discussion Questions Read the entire passage, Eph 1:3-14, but before you do, tell the group that when done you'll be asking the following question:  What activities and descriptive words relate to the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit?(now read the passage and then go through each person of the Trinity below asking for descriptions of each - what each has done and how each are described)FatherSonHoly Spirit In your own words, describe the "blessings in Christ" (vv. 3-9)What excites you most about God's relationship to you?Knowing you are chosen and adopted, how will you view yourself and God differently?What changes ...


Ephesians - Introduction

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions: Read Acts 19:11-20.  Why do you think it was necessary for the new Christians in Ephesus to burn their magic books publicly "in the sight of everyone"? Read Acts 19:23-41. Read verse 30 again. Why wouldn't the disciples let Paul speak to the crowd like he wanted to? What would have happened to Paul? Paul sounds pretty brave, almost superhuman, like nothing phases him? Does that intimate you at all? Do you think you could ever be like Paul? Now Read 2 Corinthians 1:8-11 to find out how Paul actually felt the day he ...


Spiritual Practices: Solitude

Series: Spiritual Disciplines

Do you like to be alone or is solitude hard for you?  Why?Read 1 Kings 19:11-13a.  How did the Lord speak to Elijah?If one of the ways God speaks to us is in a gentle whisper, what would you do if you were Satan and wanted to prevent God's people from hearing His voice?If having a consistent "quiet time" with the Lord has been a practice of yours, share with the group what has worked for you and what hasn't.  (Note to Leader:  if you have new Christians in your group, explain what the term "quiet time" means and make note of other phrases used (i.e. like "morning devotions", etc)).If you have never had a consistent ...


Spiritual Practices: Simplicity

Series: Spiritual Disciplines

In what ways do you think you need to simplify your lifeHow does the practice of simplicity affect how we spend our money?In the story of Mary and Martha, Martha was busy serving Jesus, but Jesus implies that this "serving Jesus" was actually distracting Martha from what was most important.  Can you relate?  How can doing good things for Jesus be a distraction.Picture Jesus as your King sitting down on the throne of your life.  What does He say to you as he seeks to bring order to the "kingdom of your life"?  What is Jesus saying to you right now?


Spiritual Practices: Introduction

Series: Spiritual Disciplines

Richard Foster writes, “The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people.” What do you think about his observation?  Reflect on the twelve spiritual disciplines.  Inward: meditation, prayer, fasting, and study Outward: simplicity, solitude, submission, and service Corporate: confession, worship, guidance, and celebration Any thoughts? Something you’re familiar with? Something completely new? Questions?  What do you think of the canoe trip metaphor? What might be another picture of how the spiritual ...


Teach Us To Pray - Deliver Us From Evil

Discussion Questions

Series: Teach Us To Pray

Scripture speaks of three enemies for the Christian: the world, the flesh and the devil. Which of these three “enemies” we have are you most concerned about and why?  Read through Ephesians 6:10-17 and discuss what you think each of the pieces of the Armor of God means. What would you actually put each of these on? Belt of truth Breastplate of righteousness Shoes of the gospel of peace Shield of faith Helmet of salvation Sword of the Spirit Read Galatians 5:16-17. How do you “walk by the Spirit”? What does that look like? Read Romans 12:1. How do you “renew your ...


Teach Us To Pray - Forgive Us As We Forgive

Series: Teach Us To Pray

1. What kinds of images come to mind when you hear “release”? Or what other words or pictures do you associate with “forgiveness”?2. Lewis B. Smedes said, "To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you." What do you think about these words?3. Consider these words. “When deep injury is done to us, we never fully recover until we forgive. Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.” What do you think the writer meant about the past and the future?4. How does forgiveness happen? Fast? Slow? All at once? Bit by bit?5. There’s a saying, ...


Teach Us To Pray - Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

Series: Teach Us To Pray

Discussion Questions1.  What are some of the things you worry about? 2.  What are some signs that you are worrying too much? 3.  If God knows what we need before we ask, why pray? 4.  Do you struggle with trusting God with your needs? 5.  Jesus says we should pray for our daily needs and that we should not worry about tomorrow.  Does that mean we should never plan for the future or save money for the future?Why or why not? 6.  Paul says in Philippians that he had learned “the secret of being content in all circumstances”.  What’s the secret?7.  When have you felt ...


Teach Us To Pray - Thy Kingdom Come

Series: Teach Us To Pray

Discussion Questions1.  Can you identify with the child charging headlong into the pool, or similarly, the child on the overstuffed chair?2.  What have been your own Towers of Babel in your life, your own little kingdoms, your sand castles? 3.  Are there any areas of your life that are especially hard to align with God’s will? 4.  We never hear of the rich young ruler again in the Bible. Imagine a few scenarios of how his story might have continued – both negatively and positively. 5.  Reflect on the words of William Wallace, “Every man dies, not every man really lives.” How ...


Teach Us To Pray - Hallowed Be Thy Name

Series: Teach Us To Pray

Teach Us To Pray – Hallowed Be Thy Name: Discussion Questions 1. Have you ever experienced a time when you felt overwhelmed (in a good way) by the holiness of God. 2. How might seeing God in His holiness and power and greatness impact your prayer life in a positive way. 3. Explain in your own words the difference between being afraid of God and fearing God. 4. Do you think there might be a connection between “fearing God” and “having faith in God”? If so, explain. 5. What kinds of prayers are “hallowed be Thy name” prayers? List specific examples of what those kinds of prayers might look ...


Teach Us To Pray - Our Father in Heaven

Series: Teach Us To Pray

Teach Us to Pray – Our Father in Heaven: Discussion Questions1. What kinds of “father stories” do you bring into your relationship with God? How havethose stories affected your relationship with God?2. Imagine out loud together the Star Wars story if Yoda could have assured Luke, “TheForce loves you.”3. Describe the difference between the life of a slave and the life of a child heir– both inliteral and spiritual terms.4. Consider our two Bible passages: the story of the Running Father and the Galatianspassage about slavery and sonship. Was there a certain word, phrase, or idea that stoodout to you?5. ...


Teach Us To Pray - Introduction

Series: Teach Us To Pray

Teach Us to Pray – Intro: Discussion Questions 1. What images, memories, or thoughts come to mind when you hear the Lord’s Prayer? 2. What part of the Lord’s Prayer sticks out to you? Is there a part that especially resonates with you? 3. Is there any part of the Lord’s Prayer that you have questions about or that’s confusing to you? 4. If you feel comfortable sharing, what has been your experience with prayer (both as a child and as an adult)? What are the positive or negative markers along your life journey with regard to prayer? 5. N.T. Wright in The Lord and His Prayer says, “If we ...


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